New Affiliate Program Launched

You asked for it and it`s ready to go!

We`ve just launched a new Affiliate Program for Photographers - make more money referring products.  See all the affiliate program details here.

Holiday Cheer

Hope you had a joyous Christmas, and a great holiday with friends and family no matter what you are celebrating!

I am again without Internet service at my house - (so I popped in to my office in the city because I have to do some errands anyway and thought I'd let you know) but I'm so frustrated with the service i get - or more correctly , don't get, from this company!!! It's been 3 days, fortunately it's over the holidays and there's too much other stuff to be doing besides working on my site, but still, I know if you bought a product you migh expect some support :-)

So if I don't get back to you right away, the most likely cause is I HAVE NO INTERNET.

ok, rant over - back to work, partying, shooting etc. :-)

Happy Holidays!

Well, once again it's Christmas. A time of peace and reflectance (and many photos).

Have a time, take lots of pictures, and hope Santa brings you the best of everything.

nature photography christmas 2009

Keywords: christmas_2009

Computer or Camera

Something that comes up at almost every photo workshop I conduct:  

Should I erase my memory card in my computer or in the camera? Just about everything I have read, and amongst the professionals I have discussed this with, the verdict is IN THE CAMERA.

The major reason is, your computer has a different file structure than your camera, and it is possible that your computer can corrupt your card (different file allocation system).  The best way to keep you memory card’s integrity is to format your card in your camera after you have downloaded your images to your computer AND backed them up on a CD or DVD.

If you’re like me and use several cards and fill them up on a daily basis, a weekly formatting is probably warranted.  On the other hand, if it takes you a month to fill your card, formatting it once a month is probably safe.

Don’t confuse deleting your images with formatting.  Even if you delete images, they are technically still on the card, but their location is “invisible” so they can be overwritten.  These bits of files and fragments of data get wiped out completely with an in camera format.

So make regular card formatting a regular part of your backup routine.

Oh, yeah, today is the longest night of the year which means...summer is officially on its way.

Ho Ho Ho Opnopono???

I came accross this "thing" called Hoʻoponopono (ho-o-pono-pono). It's is an ancient Hawaiian practice of clearing your self of negative "vibes", stress and conflict. Like Hawaiian meditation.

While there's alot more to it, a silent little chant can almost instantly put you in a "receptive" state of mind, to eliminate frustration, anger, confusion, dissapointment, regret and all those other "bad vibes."  Some say this process of clearing your mindset, resetting your outlook, helps to bring the positive influences/people/things you want to have in your life.

The cool thing about this is you don't have to believe it to have it work for you.

What you do is say the following chant, whenever you need clarity or peace of mind; when you feel angry or upset:

I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.

Say this phrase silently to yourself, say it as often as possible and preferably say it all the time.

I made some little cards to keep with me to remind myself to keep on doing this (it does work!).  I keep one in my wallet, one in my bag, one with all my camera stuff. The image helps keep is real in my mind. - being visual etc...This little card is just a tangible way of connecting with this technique.  They are a bit smaller than business cards (you fold them in half), very discreet, and because they are with you all the time, are your constant link to the goodness in the world.

Here is what they look like - I chose a few of my more contemplative images for the front.

hooponopono pocket card1


hooponopono poacket card3

And since I shared this hint this with a group of photographers they all wanted a template so they could make their own, I thought you might like to try one of these as well.  An early Christmas gift!   You can right click (or just click depending on your browser) to get a free printable ho-opono card of your own.  Unzip the file. It's a jpg image so it prints on any printer on regular paper.  If you have access to a colour printer you can contemplate in colour!

Try it - download one or all three, unzip, print it out, fold it in half and keep it with you at all times. When you're angry, tired, scared, frustrated etc. take it out, look at the picture and say the chant (conveniently on the back in case you forget it :-)  )

Let me know what happens.

The countdown begins...

fine art texture landscape

Happy Monday!  Are you getting ready for Christmas? Doing all the required shopping? Got big plans - perhaps a vacation southward? Or not! :-)

What will you do with a few days away from "the office?" I'm gonna be bad (hehehe),  -  so make sure you check back here around the 26th for some "breaking" news. You won't want to miss it.

ok, gotta get back to work!

2010 is closer than you think

So, the new year is not that far off...a mere three weeks - where does the time go!?

You're going to need a new calendar for the new year, right?  Why not support a good cause while you're in buying mode?  The Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society Annual Nature Calendar is on sale now and it features 2  (or 3) of my images.  March is a full page spread of my shot of a balsam fir. Somewhere in inside, are a shot of an elk and possibly one other one.

Get it here and support habitat conservation Manitoba!

If you're in Winnipeg, drop in to Mountain Equipment Coop on Portage - the CPAWS office is on the third floor.  I'll be picking up a box of them on Monday! :-)

Odds and Ends

First, thank you for all your emails of support and encouragment for my mom.  This is one reason that the Internet is such an amazing thing - it brings strangers, old friends, and family together from around the world. I'm totally encouraged, thanks to your kind words. I'ts quite a community!


PPOC has published an art book with all the BEST images from this year's National Image Salon, lucky for me, all 4 of my images are in it! As the Canadian Photographic Artist of the Year, I'm grateful for the efforts of the PPOC to publish this book, but not just for me, but because there are so many amazing images included. This was a very good year for creative photography!!! It's a time capusle of photographic art, representing the best in Canada.

Yes, they are for sale, you can see the book here. You can see the images here.

On another positive note, it seems Nikon lenses are (mostly) repair-able.  If you have a broken lens, whether you fell with all your gear on top of it (now who would be clutzy enough to do that I wonder?!), dropped it, or had a handfull of sand blow into it, here's my recommeded procedure for getting it repaired right.  Yes it will cost you, in my case $500 USD!!!! But totally worth not having to buy a brand new lens.

1)  Take it to your local professional camera store (Not Best Buy, etc.).  I took mine to Don't Photo, they have a Pro Desk, but they would take anyone's gear if it needed repair.

2) Let them handle the work, from communication with the manufacturer; to shipping and receiving. No headaches, not paperwork about shipping your expensive stuff. Just pay the man when you get your "new" lens back.

3) Thoroughly test your lens once you get it back to make sure the damage has been suitably fixed.

No frustration, not pain - except for the price :-)

I hope you're never in the situation, but i'm told we will all experience the tragedy of broken gear at some point. In the case of a lens, let the pros take care of it for you.

Have a great Monday!

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