Entry #1

misty mountain sunrise

Shot somewhere between Banff National Park and Fairmont Hot Springs, Autum 2008.  Watching the fog roll in with at first a grande starbucks in my hands, but quickly dumped that (gasp!) for the D300 to capture about 45 minutes worth of the fog.  Actually it was the clouds I was so high up, but it has the same effect.  You could see the mist moving and as rapidly as it flowed in, it lifted and revealed the bright light on morning, kissing the treetops.  Magnificent. A morning I will always remember.

ACCEPTED at the 2010 PPOC National Image Show.

Number 2 tomorrow!


Got the PPOC National Image Competition results yesterday.





4 for 4 - pretty good.

I'll post the images all here soon, and none of them were my first considerations. I paid a visit to one of my colleagues, who reviewed my picks, and I made some changes.  I'm happy I did!

After the Awards Banquet, we'll know more about the other trophies and ribbons so there will be more to come - I hope :-)

Hot date

It's true - I have a hot date tomorrow evening. No it's not what you might think.  I'm visiting the fabulous 10 Spa for a hot steam, and hamam treatment! I'm also bringing my camera. I know you don't want to see the inner workings of the Spa and steam rooms (!), but you do have to see some of the greatest archtectural details of the grand Fort garry Hotel where the Spa is located. 

From the 10th floor - hence the name, the spires, and peaks of the ornate century old (and haunted) builing are amazing.  Hot stuff indeed!  So stay tuned,

Have a great weekend no matter what kind of hot stuff YOU are into over the next few days!


It's that time

There comes a time in every photographer's career when they have to take action.  And now's the time for you to get into gear.  It's Infrared Photography season, starting next week.

If you've ever contemplated shooting infrared, you have about a week to get all your gear in order, cleaned up and ready to rock. In the northern hemisphere, the sun is approaching the right angles for captivating IR scenes, and here in the "far" north, the greening of foliage is only about 10 days away - sooner if we get some rain. Will you be ready?

Check out all the infrared photography tutorials here to prepare for your shoots, especially if this is going to be your first time out.  If you're more advanced in your photography skills, and your abilities in post-production, sign up for my Digital Infrared Program - it's a bootcamp to boost your creatvity beyond the ordinary.

And nothing is ever ordinary with infrared! Dare ya! :-)

The other "Masters"

Well, poor Tiger Woods didn't win the Masters this weeked, (don't get me started...).  But today I want to talk about other credentials.

alexandra morrison photographer - cpa I recieved the official notification that I have been awarded the designation of "Craftsman of Photographics Arts" by the Professional Photographers of Canada. PPOC states "PPOC members can achieve awards - Master of Photographic Arts, Service of Photographic Arts, and Craftsman of Photographic Arts - by accumulating merits through participation in the PPOC national print show, by working for the association or its provincial member associations, and by promoting professional photography within the community."

It takes a lot of Merits, I'll tell ya!  :-)  But it's a continual learning process, and I am a total sponge. For all you photographers out there that are in business as photographers, I really recommend you join either your local PPOC affiliate, or your PPA affiliate. Or any other professional organization in the field that supports excellence in professional photography.  I know the photojournalists have an organization, so do the wildlife people and so on.  But whichever applies to your style of shooting, I really urge you to join.

It's the recogntion of your peers that is the wind at your back, pushing you to excel, and nudging you our of your comfort zone.  And this, we all have been told, is where we LEARN.  You can also leave your ego at home - there are always far more talented, experienced and accomplished photographers in these organizations than you or I will ever be, but the beauty is they are all so willing to share it all.

I'm now shooting for 2 more Accreditations, not sure which classifications yet, and then the Masters. (...and then the world, muahahahaha!).  I won't get a green jacket (thankfully - I think they look hideous! Give them a Don Cherry blazer or something equally outrageous - but a green jacket? C'mon...), but I will get another medal.  woohoo.

My Golden Gate

Take a walk over to the sunny side. I'll follow you if you'll follow me. That future looks good.

my golden gate

Upcoming Photo Stars!

I spent a great afternoon on Thursday, hanging out with some of my favorite photographers at the Skills Manitoba Photography Competition.  This competition is like the Olympics for high school students, who are given assignments and compete in contests relevant to their studies.  My photog buddies and I were Judges for the Photography Competition

The students were given 2 shooting assignments in the morning and they had a few hours to get their shots and process them before submitting them to the Jury Chair who prepared then for the Viewing and Judging.

The students made some amazingly creative images!  I was blown away by some of them!  As a Judge part of the job is to comment on the images to let the maker know the good points of the image, but also how it could be improved.  Since I've often been on the other side of the Judging Process (being judges) I know how stressful and sometimes painful it can be.  You put your heart and soul into your work and it gets panned and that can be a very ego defeating situation.  As the Judges we all had to remember that we were judging the work of high school students, no pros. So it was a fine line between solid constructive feedback, and praise for participating, trying and opening themselves up for criticism, that we had to take.  For a kid in grade 11, this kind of participation takes a lot of guts!

So my hat's off to all the students who participated and a big thanks to Mr. G at TecVoc for allowing me the priviledge of being on the Jury.  I am looking forward to doing  it again next year :-)

4 day weekend

On a gorgeous April weekend, Easter to be exact - the launchpad for spring, I decided to make it a 4 day long weekend.  Mostly to get caught up on PPOC submissions, do some spring cleaning, and organize my gear for the upcoming Infrared Shoting Season fast approaching.

In looking for the final image for the competition, I came across a few oldies that have potential. Only thing is I have to send them today!!!

Tell me what you think...


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