Expand your Imagination

Expand your creative approach:

In my quest for more inspiration (in the absense of my Muse!), I did find some things that got my heart racing this week.  Other people! 

Seriously - the best way to expand your imagination and creativity is to study the work of others. See how they see, and your ideas and imaginative processes will start to develop new ways of seeing in you as well.

I started out years ago reading Freeman Patterson, and gravitated to his style. But throughout the years, I've also been following photographers of other genres, to learn better how they implement their creative vision.

Here are some cool photo links to get your mind going:

 Best Winter Photographs

 Amazing Winter Photos

 Upcoming Creative Commercial Photographers

 A cool tool to find real photographs for inspsiration

If you'd like to share some of your favourite inspirations, photographers, links or resources, I invite you to post them in your comments - as photographers I think we are all motivated and inspired by what we SEE.


Happy Thanksgiving my American friends!

And now the countdown begins...but can you figure out the BIG day? 

2008-12-21 00:00:00 GMT-06:00


Enjoy the weekend!

Sneak Preview

When there's no good light to shoot under, or no inspiring weather events to photograph, a fun activity is to use old images, odd shots, some digital art or 3D renders to make into a truly imaginative collage/montage multi-layered image.  Since I'm back into free nature wallpaper production these days here are a few examples I "generated" this week.

These will be available in December as deskstop wallpapers for your computer!

watercolor photo of a stormy evening on the African Savanna


my night sky in the North

Keywords: free_nature_wallpapers,nature__backrounds,photoshop_techniques

Tempus Fugit

There were two unexpected deaths in the family last week.  Two funerals in 3 days is a bit much, don't you think?  A sharp reminder to seize each day and to make each one count.

I have a card pinned on my corkboard - I bought it not knowing the occasion that I'd use it for, but it riveted me at the time and so I bought it.  I ended up keeping if for myself.  

-Albert Camus

"...and so it goes..."

Keywords: idle_chit_chat,philosophy,quotes

Signed, Sealed & Delivered

Have you noticed that artists and photographers sign their work?  There's some debate right now as to whether or not a photographer's signature ought to be on the front of a fine art image or on the back.  But everyone does agree that an art piece should be signed.

I've never really liked my own handwriting or signature - I'm left handed and messy, so signing my stuff was always a bit of an embarassment for me.  A good friend had one of my pieces framed and wanted me to to sign it - which is guranteeed to produce a messy signature from me!

So for the next few weeks I'm going to train myself to write a nice creative looking signature, at least for my photography.

Or I can always cheat....

Quite A-Musing

The pursuit of happiness is just like the pursuit of the perfect photograph.  Impossible – like chasing the elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  But it's oh so much fun!

So, what am I chasing these day?  Hmmm.  Let's see…Well, beside the perfect photo, I would have to say it would be my muse.  You know, someone to inspire me.  

Most days I can find some inspiration from anything from a cup of coffee to the fact that it's not minus 40 degrees outside!  But lately translating that into photographic excellence seems to be eluding me.  I need some spice.

I'll make a tour of the arts sections of all the big bookstores this week and probably the library too.  I'll admire the work of the great photographers and hope it doesn't make me depressed!!!  But books are always a safe bet (maybe safe is the problem??).

But if you're my muse please call me – I promise I won't work you too hard.

Keywords: inspiration,muse

Decor Photo Art is a Trip

A client was really pumped about one of my images and wanted it on a gallery wrapped canvas.  You know where the canvas wraps around the frame, with the image on it.  Like a painting before it gets framed.

This was to be a décor piece so I wanted to do something a little special since it was for a corporate boardroom.

I wanted to create a triptych – a three panel rendering of an image or series of images.  A triptych is a very creative way to display your photographic art, and in some cases adds monumentally more appeal.  My triptych though, was to be of one image sliced into three panels.  After what seemed like a stupidly long time, I figured out how to do this in Photoshop, but I knew there had to be a better way.

A quick search on Google brought me to a site with a great Photoshop action that automatically creates these wonderful art pieces.  Here's an example.

sunset triptych photo

Here’s how it looks on a wall…


Keywords: decor_art,three_panel_photos,triptyich

What a difference a day (or 2) makes

On Thursday I dreaded the icy blast of winter as it forced its way into my life.  But today I'm relishing the new scenery and the way the world looks like a fancy French desset, all frozen and dusted with icing sugar.  Yes, the freshness of the winter landscape is sweet.  (But too darned cold!)

Keywords: snow_photography,winter_photgraphy

Let's get Upclose and Personal...

As the ice pellets outside bomb my window like diamond bullets from the sky, summer has surely evaporated and winter has wedged its way into our lives once again.  No, I'm not depressed (yet), but in an effort to hold those demons at bay, I was looking through some of the images I shot over the past few months.

It actually was a good summer for photography judging by the quanity of pics I shot! I was still into the aliens thing this summer - I think I always will be - there's just so much strangeness in the world of macro photography - and I have a few interesting shots of our own terrestrial aliens.

Here's one I like of some weird flower growing in a garden in BC.  The colours are the real thing - no photoshoping here.  I used a Sigma 105 mm macro lens, f 2.8, and shutter of 1/100 at ISO 400.  Shot with the Nikon D300. (love).

a strange lifeform at close range

November Photo Class

I will again be teaching a one day intro to digital photography class on November 22, 2008 at West St. Paul School. This course is being offered by the West St. Paul Receration Deprtment, so you'll need to contact Stephanie at the Rec Office to register.  I don't have all the details myself yet, but it will run from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

We'll cover the most important aspects of digital photography such as

  • How to use your camera like a pro
  • How to keep your subject in sharp focus, but get the background nice and blurry
  • How to save your pictures to email friends or to put on a website (Facebook, MySpace, your own blog etc.)
  • How to get you photos into your computer to edit them
  • Intoduction to Photoshop - unleash your inner artist!

I'm also conducting a one day workshop in February for business people who want to learn how to take striking photos of their products for their websites and shopping carts.  If you're interested in taking this course, I strongy recommend that your sign up for the West St. Paul Intro program first. 

That's all for now,


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My newest "how to" book can help you sort through the technical fog, to help you create professional-looking digital photos. Instant download! Be taking better photos by suppertime!

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