A Powderpuff Sunrise

foggy sunrise with a Nikon D300

Don't try this at home

3 days of totally winter weather. Blizzards, freezing rain, tormenting winds...ice jams, flooding.

And yes I was foolish enough to venture out. The drive home was quite a trip, and wanting to try the iPhone while performing some acrobatics, I dared attempt to take an iPhone-tograph, while driving and navigating ice skinned highways. It's not easy!! I don't think I'll try it again.

iPhone-tograph of a blizzard in Manitoba

I was fishtailing as I clicked the shutter - it's a testament to the photographic capabilities of the iPhone's camera that this is as sharp as it is. it's way better at taking decent pics compared to my old standard issue cell phone.

If you relish the idea of good quality photos to go, without carrying the bulk of a point & shoot, plus you have all the geotagging built in so you can add them instantly to maps, it's all very fun. There's also an app called CameraBag that lets you add effects to your photos - Lomo, Holga, polaroid etc. Which is great fun too. I hear with version 3 of the iPhone OS, we'll be able to send these photos by text (finally!), as well as send stuff directly to each other's iPhones over the air! Instant photo sharing - without the nonsense of posting to a public website.

One more reason to hope summer arrives in a hurry.

Test from my iphone

Using this tiny keyboard is a challenge. But it works.

Photos around town

This weekend I'll be experementing with a new DOF/reverse bokeh panorama as posted on Ryan Brenizer's blog. Photoshop CS4 makes this quite easy, but even better is PTGui.  Can't wait to get this one going.  The pano section of the site is almost complete and the full tutorial will be up soon.

The Manitoba Camera Club is having me as their guest speaker on Tuesday night, and I will be covering all sorts of panorma photo techniques.  Contact the club for more info. 

Have a great weekend - I hear that spring is here... (HINT: sounds like honk honk honk)

Keywords: panorama_photos,panorama_workshops,photoshop_cs4,photoshop_techniques

Small World Redux

My friends Tammy and Boyd own a bar and blues club.  I was visiting them there several weeks ago about photos and their website, when Tammy introduced me to another of their friends, Don.  Don looked and me strangely (which is not an uncommon occurrence for me!) , and then said ..."Hi Karsh!"

OMG, turns out we knew each other -  "Karsh" was what he used to call me because of my penchant for snapping photos all the time.  But I hadn't been called by that nickname in a very long time. Naturally he asked about my photography and if I was still into taking pictures.  We had a great chat and then to make the world even smaller, we found out that we are both attending the same spring party in a few weeks!!! He made me promised I would dig out some of the old pics from the "Karsh" days and bring them to the party.

I don't want to bore you with the 1980's equivalent of a Facebook page, but I did manage to dig up some of the old paty pics.  I'll post them soon.  I think this could be the start of something!!!! (hehehe).

Oh, where's the HEAT

Don't you yearn for those HOT summer nights, when you're still sweating at midnight, and the crickets are going mad?  When a barking dog's howl from miles away lingers in the heavy air, and seems like he was right under your window?  Maybe you almost detect the faint smell of bonfire smoke as it drifts your way languidly.  Don't you want to feel that warm sultry summer breeze against your skin as you take a minight stroll with your pup?

Don't you need to hear the waves gently rolling into the shore, breaking softly like a repetitive rhythmic rhyme, swaying you into a dreamlike state... "to sleep, perchance to Dream"

Don't you want to be warm!!!!!! Oh how I need the summer back.

a hot summer night in the big bluestem

Old School Photography

No, I haven't forgotten about you...how could I!?  Just a little distracted this week.... But I know I did promise more about the Lightroom Gallery temtplates for the iPhone, so here's the link.

These sweet litttle galleries are so easy to make, even if you don't have an iPhone, you'll want to use them: Lightroom iPhone Gallery template.

The panorama workshops were a hit and apparently the people at Nodal Ninja have been getting a few calls as a result of my workshop. hehehe.  Wait till the Winnipeg South Photo Club workshops start!!!Look out NN!!  Next week I will update the panorama pages here and the tutorial will be available for everyone.

And finally, even though my "contraption" is not finished (not even started - just heaping sheets of cardboard on my dining room table!) I couldn't resist trying out the OLD Duaflex.

old kodak duaflex ttv triptych

So now you know what I've been exploring this week.  Next, why a decidedly lo-tech 1943 Kodak Duaflex???

drum roll, please....

The Albert Street Butterfly

small planet panorama of downtown winnipeg

Shooting panos in the Exchange.  What fun. Since I'm doing a mini workshop for PPOC members this week, and a 6 hour series in April, on these panoramas I'll be putting the "All you ever wanted to know about Panorama Photography" tutorial on the site, shortly.

Also upcoming are pics from the old Kodak Duaflex...

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