Let there be light

If you're ever at a loss for photo subject, just take a drive outside the city.  The rural backroads are a treasure of photographic inspiration.  Not only that but the people who love there are usually more supportive of your artsitic endeavours.  Just get out of the city!

With the persisitent frigid temps this weekend, all I could do was get in the car and take a drive - I was out of the wind, and as long as I had gas, I was warm, rumbling down the frozen gravel roads of my "neighbourhood."  I came accross and old Ukrainian Church that appeared to be in the initial stages of demolition.  Of course, I jumped on the opportunity to get in a few shots.  Now, one thing that's important anywhere when photographing buildings is to always respect private property.  While I have been known to "tresspass" where I'm really sure there are no risks, the last thing I want to do it cause a disturbance in my own community!  

So I was shooting mostly from the road  trying to get just the right angle, against the cold January sky, when a car drove up.  It was the property owner.  We had a nice chat about the building, and she also told me how to get inside, and more importantly - it was safe.

old ukrainian church at Cloverleaf, MB


A nice reward for playing by the rules?

The bright site of the track

One of the reasons I live where I do (away from the city) is for the quiet.  City noise doesn't really bother me at all but the quiet of the woods is just so much better.  But in the winter, the soothing peace is continually molested by the incessant whine of snowmobiles.  The drone of the engines is a bad backdrop to the otherwise serene views and peaceful
atmosphere. Plus now it's just a waste of gas!

And moreover, I dislike this pasttime of snowmobiling because (some) of the people who ride are eggheads , who destroy the most beautiful and pristine snow scenes you will ever see.  You know, when it's minus 30 C, there must be some advantage to living in the deep freeze, and the beauty of winter is surely one of the most obvious.  But these people on their snow machines...



old photo with grunge texture

Real time news or too much information?

I've been hearing a lot about Twitter these days.  You post two or three sentences about what you're doing "right now" on the Twitter mini blog site.

I don't really get it.  Does anyone really care what you are doing on such a micro scale?  I have a few friends who spend all their time sending "tweets."  If your'e a Twitter-er (or is it a Twit?) let me know. I'm curious about how this works for you and helps you improve your business.

In the meantime, in case you are intererested in knowing for some reason. I'm running late this morning.  Amazed that at 7:30 am there is now light in the sky, and just about to warm up the car and head into the city,  Now you know!

Stay warm and have a great weekend, tweetie,


More Infrared Surrealism

I'm getting a little sad that the weather has been so frigid and I haven't been really outside for weeks. With the exception of getting the Buzzman out for his 3 or 4 daily walks, I've been outside for with my camera for exactly 3.5 minutes.  So for now I'm ensconced in front of the fire working on finishing my new IR book.  Learn how to to exactly this if you get the book!

digital infrared image Kaleden, BC


Welcome to 2009

How was your holiday? Glad you came back! 

Monday - the start of a new week and a new working year.  I love my clients - but having a whole 2 weeks to devote to my own projects has been really enjoyable.  Now back at the "grind" my slate is once again full of challenging and creative work for others.  I do love this work!  I'm back to being a buisiness person and the "artist" is back on the shelf, for a while...

And in "back to business", I'd like to talk to you about a joint venture opportunity - a win win for us entrepreneurial types.  No, I don't need a sugar daddy (would be nice though, he he he), just a few great business minds who know the value of diversification. Contact me.

Yet one more Happy New Year Greeting

OK, so it's a day late, but Happy New Year! And I wish you all the best of everything for 2009.

My delay in posting this wish had nothing to do with the after effects of New Year's Eve festivities, I'm actually in the final stages of 2 new projects.  One is the inspirational nature photography and digital art wallpaper section; and the other is my new book - it's all about Digital Infrared photography but with a twist, and there's nothing like it on the Net or on Amazon for that matter.  

I'm giving away 5 free Review Copies, so if you're a serious photographer (preferably with a following on Twitter, and a nice Facebook Fan Page) and are willing and able to write an unbiased review of this 100+ pages ebook contact me for the details.

But New Year's this year was not all work...nope I did have some fun too...


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My newest "how to" book can help you sort through the technical fog, to help you create professional-looking digital photos. Instant download! Be taking better photos by suppertime!

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