Coming Full Circle

All these sperical panoramas are making me dizzy!  So I'm going back to basics, "pimping" up the old Duaflex now.  What I'm doing is turning a camera into the world's biggest lens filter!  All that dust and grunge has a peculiar appeal, don't you think? (Ok, I know I'm crazy, you don't have to tell me crazygirl )

Now that there is some sunshine back in my life, I am eager to lurk in the alleys of Albert Street, with my cameras and contraptions to try this oldest of new techniques. Or is that the newest of the oldest techniques? Anyways...

...I won't say too much more till I have images to show you. The entry deadline for the PPOC National Image Salon is next week too so I am frantically making the finsihing touches on my submissions. Why do I leave it till the last minute!!??


Photographers rule the world

Today was the second of three seminars on panorama photography, that I'm conducting for the Winnipeg South Photo Club.

In today's session we spent some time at the Forks, learning the basics of shooting equirectangular images for spherical panoramas, as well as learning the shooting techniques needed to accomplish 360 degree panos. For fun, we did a group shot at the end of the session.  It seemed appropriate that it too be a sperical panorama.  Here's the little planet version.


panorama planet photography class

The final and most exciting part of the series is May 20th, when we will transform the shots taken today into QT movies! Be sure to come out and see what fun panoramas can be.

More Pano News

If you're at loose ends this evening come out to the Winnipeg South Camera Club.  We'll be covering the first of three workshops about 360 panorama shooting and how to turn them in to immersive panorama movies.

Contact David at the Camera Club for info. 

I have about 30 pages of tutorial notes that I will get on the site on the next few days so the Panorama Section will be almost complete.  It will contain everything you need to know about all the various kinds of panoramas, in plain English with none of the technobabble.

And with Infrared photography Season approaching, stay tuned for the most wanted Digital Infrared Photography How to Guide -  ever! Check back here for the announcement before May, 2009.


So blah

more on albert street

Gotta find a new trick. Feeling a bit lost today -  must be the weather...

that's it.

It IS who you know

Do you ever take a second to reflect on all the amazing people swirling around in your world?

This week Danielle from Turner Change Management came by the office.  Danielle is one of those amazing people I know.  She is the Director of Marketing with the challenging task of growing an emerging business; she has two little kids; and she’s an actor in our local theatre scene (I had the honour of taking her headshot! See it on her site.).  She is one busy lady, I’d say!

Then during our visit she left me with a couple of invitations to a fundraising Gala she is organizing.  Wow!  Not only does she have her plate full with everything else, she tells me she is not only organizing this big event, she is on the Board of Directors!

She is such an inspiration.  You rock Danielle!  Thanks for the invites, and for your great example.

...So take a bit of time to think about the people you know, and all they do, and you will uncover some most energizing info - enough to be inspired each day.

Gone to the Dogs!

yappy Hour posterYes, Yappy Hour is back.  (I guess I did a pretty good job last year at one of the Puparazzi, cos this year I got recruited to be on the organizing committee!)

Yappy Hour is a cocktail party/fundraiser for the Winnipeg Humane Society, that takes place at the ever so posh Fairmont Hotel, where you bring your dog wth you to meet & mingle.  There are treats for the pups, and bevvies and munchies for the humans. Totally fun for all.

And with the theme this year being Woofstock we'll all be back to the 60s - in our finest love beads and cheesecloth. And don't forget to dress up you dog - there are hillarious prizes for the best dressed, grooviest, Jimi Hendrix look a likes, etc. 

Be sure to get a ticket, it's a great cause.  You can get them online at the Humane Society or email me I still have a few left. Hope to see you and your pooch in all your finest hippy attire.

Peace and Love, man!

flower power

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My newest "how to" book can help you sort through the technical fog, to help you create professional-looking digital photos. Instant download! Be taking better photos by suppertime!

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