Yikes! I’ve been neglecting my “duties” with my updates, but please know I haven’t forgotten about you, far from it – some projects are just so all-consuming I can’t remember what month it is!! But I am back and with summer here the pace is slowing down somewhat…till I leave for my photo tour in the Rockies! I won’t bore you with mundane details but if you are back from a long weekend at the lake and are curious about the parties you may have missed, here are few pics for you.Continue Reading
It’s all in the details
I’ve been asked about the 2016 photo workshop schedule so I now have a few programs and tentative dates to put out there:
June 2016: Why you must use these Photoshop plugins, and how to use them. 2 days, Saturday and Sunday.Continue Reading
Friday Fun
So by popular demand, I am starting the Friday Fun posts here which I had been doing on social media for friends. So for those of you who I don’t know socially, each Friday I will post some odd ball images and possibly delve into how they got made – you know me I love a long story!!!
Getting Grounded or Ready to Launch?
Wow, I have been neglecting so many important things lately, including my site! There are many moving parts in my life right now, from deciding to do with a house full of Mom and Dad stuff (yes, still!), to getting ready for the launch of my next online photography class. Waiting for the publication of another article over at Digital Photography School.And of course, the wonderful May Long Weekend is quickly getting close, and a new book is in progress.Continue Reading
10 more days…
Yes it’s May already and with so much going on, I wanted to remind you about the iPhone Photography workshop coming up. It’s pretty full already and some top notch photogs have signed up! So it will be a super learning experience for anyone – beginner or advanced. And you don’t need an iphone to participate.
Any smartphone with a camera and that can use apps will do just fine! Only $59 and one day of fun, May 11, 2014. Register here
Home Sweet Home
It’s always good to be home, whether it’s a vacation or a business trip of just a little jaunt off somewhere for a weekend. No different for me. 🙂 It’s good to get this part of the “process” finished.
So many boxes, and memories – I found things my mom had saved from 30+ years a go – and longer. She was a little sentimental. It of course brought back a flood of memories for me too. Strange how seeing one thing can transport you back in time in a flash. Bittersweet.The desire to preserve all that’s good. And the yearning to make good when it things were not so. If only we knew then what we know now!Continue Reading
Is spring in the air or in your mind
It’s the Festival Thaw! Watch the beautiful ice sculptures met! But it feels good doesn’t it? Breathe in deeply – perhaps there is a wisp of spring in that air. Are you feeling it too?
And with this, many things follow – another year unfolds and I am making my “pilgimage” out to the Okanagan shortly, the annual PPOC Canada Convention and Image Salon is being held in Winnipeg this year, in April, in fact I have to get my images ready as the deadline is approaching!! And we should all be planning our photography goals for the year. Me included.
I can’t believe sometimes how things work out. You know that old mantra of mine that Mother Nature loves nature photographers? More and more I believe this is more than true – it’s a law of the universe!Continue Reading