Looks like another glorious autumn weekend is just about here, and it is a LONG one so we have plenty of time to celebrate all the things and people we have in our lives. I suppose the Thanksgiving tradition began (in the US?) because of the harvest and its bounty hence a weekend was set aside to celebrate. But to truly be thankful – no not simply thankful, but grateful I think you really need to make it a daily thing.
I was at the dentist yesterday, getting the usual cleaning and free toothpaste. While in the chair I was pondering Thanksgiving, and realized that Thanksgiving once a year, and being grateful everyday are like vising the dentist and brushing your teeth.
No matter how skilled the dentist she or he won’t be able to help your teeth unless you take care of them on your own, everyday with your floss and your brush.
And it seemed to me, not matter how much you give thanks this weekend, it won’t do much for you if you haven’t been grateful, truly grateful (taking a few moments – or more-to STOP and really FEEL your gratitude) every single day.
Am I crazy? Well, think about this and let me know. I know everyone feels better when they have brushed their teeth! And the people you meet during the day probably are thankful you did. 🙂
As I write this and the sun comes up, peeling back the darkness, I see a glorious fog (time to grab the camera!) and here is another thing to be grateful for.
Have a blazingly great long weekend, and I am grateful for you, and thankful that you are here.