It’s gonna be a very different summer but, I feel encouraged that humans here in British Columbia love their lives so much that they are willing to take the Opening slowly, so they can enjoy a full lifestyle again, in good health with none of their friends and family missing. May Long Weekend here we come!
The government of BC has announce the plans for the re-opening of the province and although it will be a very slow roll-out, some of the things I enjoy most will be starting in the first phase.
I never realized how much I miss a good restaurant meal with friends. How much I miss those invitations for a casual glass of wine on a patio somewhere. Or how much I miss my friends in general. Zoom is a blast but not quite the same.
How have you been impacted by the COVID-19 shut-downs and public health orders? What do you miss most? Are you able to join your friends and family for the long weekend? Here in BC all non-essential travel is still limited so I’ll be hanging around town but a few bike rides and hikes are in the plans – but of course it’s the May long and rain is in the forecast!
Where ever you are and whatever you do, play it safe, be kind, and when this is all over we will celebrate our friendships – the longstanding ones from the days of our youth, and new ones we’ve made along the way.
Virtual hugs to you. Have a peaceful and safe long weekend.