The autumn is fading. It`s beginning to look like winter – although not quite Christmas, yet! And yes I am still here – thank you for asking 🙂 But here;s w hat`s going on.Continue Reading
There’s nothing quite like sunrise on an untypically warm autumn morning.Continue Reading
The Soft Landing
The summer of 2013 will not soon be forgotten. In fact this whole year will mark my life like a giant exclamation point in the middle of my story. Memorable is not the right word though. I don’t think there is a word for it. I’ve been thinking for one for the last week or so and nothing exists at least in my thin vocabulary. So…after it all, the downs, and the ups, the lows and the highs – like the week where one of my dreams took flight, and the months where many more vaporized into the void, I’ve landed back here, a little deflated, (the coming of winter doesn’t help) but sensing that my energy is building up again, however slowly – but definitely.Continue Reading
Pillars of Time
There is a lyric in a Blue Rodeo song…”Til I Gain Control Again.”
“Just like the sun over the mountain top you know I’ll always come again
You know I love to spend my morning time like sunlight dancing on your skin”
And when I’m in the mountains it echoes through my head like an endless loop. It’s quite a catchy song.Continue Reading
Would you believe…
Until this past weekend, I was without a “real” computer for 2 months! It was fried (again) in a power outage – that’s another story! For processing these large files from the Nikon D800 i need a pretty powerful machine and nothing at any of the local computer stores was suitable. Continue Reading
Diversions – the road not taken
You know that Robert Frost poem, “The Road not Taken”?Continue Reading
I have had too many close calls so I guess it was about time for this….who knew the case was only decorative!Continue Reading
Dancing with the Stars
Wasn’t it a wonderful day yesterday? It was a brilliant summer day, finally.
And it was a stunning summer night, with a light show like I have never seen before! Here’s what happened. I got home from work a bit later than usual, and I was tired. I stayed up very late, reading, the night before and I really felt like I needed sleep. Continue Reading