Ah, yes, it’s a time that send shivers up your spine. goosebumps everywhere and your blood unfortunately can’t run hot because it’s -40C. It is a delicate time of year because everything is frozen and brittle, and you could break a poplar tree with a whisper!Continue Reading
If you woke up one morning…
to find you had an extra $100,000 in your pocket. What would you do with it?
I’m sure many things would come to mind – fix the roof, new car, donate something to your favorite charity…the list is as long as the chain of bills laid end to end.Continue Reading
Too much!
Tell me, do you ever get caught up in situations or projects that seem to consume you? Things just seem to expand and spiral and before you know it, it has sucked weeks into the void!!
So so many weeks have gone by and some projects are slowly moving forward but some of my own pet project are waylaid for the moment. Grrrr!
Ghosts of Christmas Past part 2 – It’s better to give…
One of my most gratifying Christmases was the year that I committed to MAKE everyone’s gifts. It was a tall order – my parents still had the huge family dinner, and that included the neighbours as well as my sister’s better half, and my grandmother who had recently moved here after my grandfather died.Continue Reading
Ghost of Christmas Past 1
This particular Christmas was many years in the past. I had recently bought my first “real” camera. Continue Reading
Christmas Countdown
The holiday season is here and with it is the time to give gifts and to share (more than you normally do already!!) So in this spirit, I’m giving you the 7 days of Christmas.Continue Reading
Are We Connections?
All the hype with social media puts a lot of emphasis on “connections.” Just what is a connection anyway? It used to be like when you would connect your speakers to your stereo – if they worked, you had a good connection! But now we use this term for people and relationships. Connections…seems too mechanical to me.Continue Reading
Winds of Change
This past few weeks have been a major unwinding of the old – I could say unraveling, but it’s not quite as bad as that implies. It feels more like a clearing and making way for many things new. There is lots of room for new and improved! It’s scary but quite invigorating as I really feel like I’m ushering a “new era.”